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Mission Statement:


高翎國際股份有限公司致力于應用最新的綠色科技到纺織和服装業以造 福消費者,使他們能在環保和健康第一的前提下,享受到最新的服装功能。
Kaolink International Co., LTD (KLC) is committed to applying the latest green technologies to the textile and apparel industries so it can benefit consumers with new clothing functionalities without negatively impacting the environment and human health.



KLC 高翎國際股份有限公司 KAOLINK INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD.創立時間於西 元2000年,民國89年,公司主要業務為成衣布料之設計開發及生產製造。專業於客 制化訂製制服,及品牌設計規劃,且於民國101年獲得行政院環保署環保標章之認證,近年 來更因應市場之需求,進而引進英國原裝進口除臭貼片織布”KLC Tag 迪歐貼”被廣泛使用於 紡織品、成衣、鞋襪、內衣褲與各類產品,提供有效的除臭抑菌效果,以及開發出環境貼片, 可有效吸附空氣中之甲醛、苯等有害化學異味,達到保障健康淨化空氣之效果。 KLC 高翎國際2015年所引進歐洲美國技術之100%純活性碳去異味層壓織布,該產品可以一 片小面積織布即可吸附各種有機、無機之異味並可確保衣物及環境之空氣清新,也同時經台灣紡織研究中心之認證達到A+之效果,以及Intertek全國公證的認證,達到89.2%吸附 甲醛的效果。


KLCTag technology has been successfully tested and certified by various testing institutes such as Taiwan Textile Research Institute, and Intertek for its capabilities and effectiveness. Recently (May 2016) KLCTag was certified by Intertek as being 89.2% effective in removing odors from Formaldehyde, an unhealthy chemical under extended exposure.


KLC Tags can be applied to fabrics, clothing, stocking, hats, and underwear to eliminate body odors to keep surrounding air fresh. Larger-sized KLCTag  patches can be used to eliminate odors from smoking in confined areas and vehicle compartments, or eliminating odors from freshly painted buildings. The list will be very long as new applications emerge.


“燙貼式永久重複使用貼片” -為所有紡織品去除異味之理想解決方案

“KLC-Tag” Iron on patches-Ideal for all garment,underwear,socks,and uniforms.


“黏貼式強效貼片” -為衣物上及環境中去除有機無機異味之唯一選擇

“KLC-Tag” Stick on patches-anti odor protection for your clothes and any drafty enclosed place.